Extra Super Vegaforce | Pharma Services

Extra Super Vegaforce (Sildenafil/Dapoxetine)

Active Ingredient Sildenafil / Dapoxetine
Indication Erectile Dysfunction
Manufacturer Ether Pharmaceuticals
Dosage Form Tablet
Strength 100mg
Packaging 10 Tablet in 1 Strip
Delivery Time 6 To 15 Days


Extra Super Vegaforce 200mg is an excellent medication that can help a man reach the highest possible level of sexual health enhancement. As you are already aware, sexual health products are essential in today’s cutthroat industry for addressing personal issues that people encounter daily. 

Extra Super Vegaforce is one of the most special formulations serving customers’ needs. Need more details? This article delves deeply into Extra Super Vegaforce’s characteristics, advantages, and market potential while offering insightful information for business-to-business partners. 

Please discover how working with B2BPharmaHub.com for Extra Super Vegaforce can propel your company to new heights and learn about its effectiveness in market positioning. Continue reading to find out how we can meet the rising need for products related to sexual well-being.

Understanding Extra Super Vegaforce

A. Composition and mechanism of action

Let’s have a brief look at each component of Extra Super Vegaforce:

  • Sildenafil Citrate: Function and Effects:

Function: One PDE-5 inhibitor is sildenafil citrate. Its primary purpose is to relax the congested muscles and increase blood flow to the pelvic area. In particular, the penis’s corpus cavernosum receives more blood flow. Better blood flow from this relaxation will contribute to the maintenance of an erection during sexual stimulation. 

Effects: It takes 30 to 60 minutes for sildenafil citrate to start working after consumption. Better erectile function results from its enhancement of responsiveness to all forms of sexual stimulation. It enhances one’s capacity for engaging in sexual activities. The window of opportunity for sexual participation in sexual activity is 3–4 hours.  Be aware that sildenafil citrate does not produce an erection on its own; for optimal results, sexual excitement is required. 

  • Dapoxetine: Role in Addressing Premature Ejaculation:

Function: One SSR inhibitor is dapoxetine ( selective serotonin reuptake). It was primarily developed for treating depression, but now, due to its evident effects on this condition, it is used for premature ejaculation. It works by preventing serotonin, a neurotransmitter that controls mood and ejaculation, from being reabsorbed. As a result, it increases the brain’s serotonin availability. 

Effects: Dapoxetine can assist in postponing ejaculation and give you more control over when to ejaculate by raising serotonin levels. It helps people regulate their climaxes better, allowing for mutual sexual satisfaction between partners. High plasma concentrations of the fast-acting medication dapoxetine are reached one to two hours after administration. Because of this, its effects might linger for several hours, about equivalent to the duration of a sexual encounter. 

Benefits of Extra Super Vegaforce 200 gm

Physical Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Erectile Function: The Sildenafil Citrate is a crucial component responsible for improving blood flow to the penis. Hence, it leads to long-lasting and better erections.
  2. Prolonged Sexual Activity: Dapoxetine helps delay ejaculation for better and longer sexual intercourse. And these sexual experiences will be satisfactory for both partners.
  3. Improved Control Over Ejaculation: Dapoxetine is known to help men get significant control over the timing of ejaculation. Hence, it can reduce the chances of premature ejaculation and enhance sexual performance.
  4. Dual-Action Formula:  Extra Super Vegaforce can help deal with the concerns of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Hence eliminating the need for multiple medications. 

Psychological Benefits:

  1. Increased Confidence: It can help boost self-confidence by providing the ability to achieve and maintain an erection along with ejaculation control.  
  2. Reduced Stress: When a person knows that their sexual health issues are managed perfectly, it can reduce their stress and anxiety related to performance.
  3. Improved Relationship Satisfaction: Enhanced sexual performance and satisfaction are directly linked to relationship satisfaction. Hence, it leads to greater emotional and physical closeness with partners.

By facilitating better physical and psychological benefits, Extra Super Vegaforce 200 mg can address concerns of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It also contributes to long-term sexual health and emotional health. 

Target Audience and Market Analysis

  1. Identification of target demographic: Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are common in people. Men of any age can be affected by these problems. Therefore, it is anticipated that there will be a substantial market for items related to sexual health, such as Extra Super Vegaforce. 
  2. Analysis of market demand and growth trends: Certain surveys and analyses indicate that the market for products related to sexual health is expanding significantly. According to a recent survey, the drug market size of Sildenafil might rise to  US$4.56 Bn by 2030. Also, the market size of Dapoxetine is increasing at a CAGR of 7.6%. 
  3. Potential for B2B partners: Online pharmacies, distributors of medical supplies, and retailers are essential B2B partners in the sexual health goods sector with significant potential. Therefore, investing in Extra Super Vegaforce has chances for improved revenue growth, market expansion, and satisfying growing demand. 

Benefits of Partnering with B2BPharmaHub.com 

Expansion of Product Portfolio and Diversification:

B2BPharmaHub.com is a partner that can assist your company in growing its product line. Add 200 mg more of Super Vegaforce to it. Therefore, this diversification will help you present yourself as a comprehensive provider in the market and also help you improve the range of sexual health treatments you offer. It aids in satisfying a range of customer needs. 

Revenue Potential and Market Competitiveness:

The market for sexual health goods has seen a sharp rise, offering more excellent financial prospects. Therefore, collaborating with B2BPharmaHub.com to offer Extra Super Vegaforce 200 mg might assist you in reaching this enormous market and increasing sales. If you have a distinctive and valuable product, you can outperform all competitors and survive market competition. 

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:

By collaborating with B2BPharmaHub.com, you may offer the adaptable drug Extra Super Vegaforce. This drug enables you to address several sexual health issues at once as a provider by offering a single solution. Once you have more happy consumers, you’ll probably see repeat business. B2BPharmaHub.com is a partner that can help cultivate a sense of loyalty. We make sure you have top-notch goods that improve the clientele’s experience.

Leveraging the Growing Demand for Sexual Health Solutions:

Every day, there is a growing need for sexual health solutions and an increasing understanding and acceptance of these goods. Therefore, businesses may satisfy most of the ever-increasing client demands by working with B2BPharmaHub.com. As a company owner, you can ensure that you provide dependable and efficient solutions to meet customer needs, which increases market share and corporate growth.

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance by B2BPharmaHub.com

B2BPharmaHub.com adheres to several regulatory compliance measures to ensure the quality of sexual health products. These standards include:

  1. Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940: This act ensures compliance with regulations governing the manufacture, sale, and distribution of drugs.
  2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): It ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled with the best quality standards.
  3. Schedule M Compliance: It outlines requirements for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. 
  4. Pharmacovigilance Requirements: It helps monitor and report adverse drug reactions. Hence ensuring patient safety.
  5. Advertising Standards: The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) provides guidelines for ensuring that all promotional materials are ethical and not misleading
  6. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): It helps ensure that all innovations and formulations are legally protected.

B2BPharmaHub.com follows all regulatory compliance requirements to ensure the safety, efficiency, and quality of our sexual health products. Hence, we provide testimonials of trust and reliability in the market. 

Future Trends and Opportunities with B2BPharmaHub.com 

It is necessary to remain up-to-date about all the latest advancements and technologies in sexual health therapies. Here’s where B2BPharmaHub.com distinguishes itself. We continuously track all developments, including new medicine formulations, targeted treatments, and technological improvements in healthcare. This will allow B2BPharmaHub.com to improve the accessibility and efficacy of its products, such as Extra Super Vegaforce. We welcome these upcoming improvements to keep B2BPharmaHub.com at the forefront of the market and to enhance client happiness.

Joining hands with B2BPharmaHub.com will provide you with benefits from a present perspective and a futuristic perspective. As the market for sexual products grows each day, B2BPharmaHub.com is skilled at leveraging this growth effectively. By collaborating with B2BPharmaHub.com, our partners can quickly capitalize on our deep market insights and forward-looking strategies.

B2BPharmaHub.com is firmly committed to quality and innovation. Hence, it ensures that partners have an edge over competition with products made using high standards. Our reputation and expertise in the sexual health industry can be a great foundation if you want to enter new markets and diversify product lines. This partnership will help you tap into emerging trends, drive revenue growth, and achieve long-term success through strategic market expansion and product innovation.


Joining with B2BPharmaHub.com for Extra Super Vegaforce is an excellent method of succeeding in the market for sexual health products. Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are two issues that Extra Super Vegaforce tackles holistically. As a result, we provide partners with a conscientious chance to broaden their range of products, boost sales, and improve client pleasure. 

B2B partners might investigate joint venture possibilities with B2BPharmaHub.com for Extra Super Vegaforce to leverage the increasing market for sexual health goods and propel business expansion. Act now to maximize the possibilities of this cutting-edge innovation and advance your company.


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